Tourists Attraction Sites
The district has various tourist attractions. These include unusual caves with rock art depicting the historic occupancy of the district and the then survival skills. In addition, South West Part of the district, Matopo Communal lands is waterfalls at Lumene, Diana (Embizeni) Pools, and Matshatsha Falls. Matopo rare balancing rocks, and rock formation including the orbicular granite.
Umzingwane distinctive rocks within Matopo
Umzingwane distinctive rocks within the Matopo World Heritage Buffer Zone There is a variety of bird species – estimated to be two hundred and thirty bird species including the black eagle found in at Mtshabezi valley mainly around the Mtshabezi dam

The culture of the district is still intact. Local communities still respect their shrines and sacred places. Umzingwane communities still live to demonstrate their strong religious beliefs based on their culture. The Matobo Communal lands composed of wards 4, 8,9,10,11 and 12 fall within the Matobo World Heritage Site buffer zone that was nominated basing on the cultural significancy of the communities around the site.